Unity3D Modular Development Principle (UMDP): Revolutionizing Collaborative Game Development — Part 1

Ebrahim Karimi
4 min readDec 10, 2023


Created By Microsoft Bing Image Creator


In the dynamic realm of game development, the quest for efficient collaboration, code reusability, and seamless project management is perpetual. In our pursuit of these ideals, we have adopted and implemented the Unity Modular Development Principle (UMDP), a groundbreaking approach to Unity project management using Unity Package Manager (UPM). UMDP encapsulates a structured and modular system that not only facilitates concurrent development but also enhances version control, automated dependency management, and transparent codebase evolution.

In exploring alternative approaches, it’s worth noting that some developers opt for the use of the git submodule feature to achieve concurrent development. However, this introduces a dependency on version control systems supporting this feature and may not offer all the advantages that UMDP provides.

Of course, no method or approach will be flawless, and the UMDP is not an exception to this rule. For instance, one of its weaknesses is the reduced speed of development and module updates due to the lack of quick access to editable versions within the project. However, this aspect can be positive in some respects, as it prevents the occurrence of certain problems and contributes to the structured development process.

UMDP at its Core

At the heart of UMDP lies the Unity Package Manager, serving as the linchpin for our modular development framework. The essence of this principle revolves around dividing game logic into distinct, self-contained packages. Each package is designed with meticulous attention to detail, adhering to SOLID principles to ensure clarity, maintainability, and extensibility.

Registry and Infrastructure

To seamlessly integrate UMDP into our workflow, we established a dedicated package registry server. This server, powered by Node.js packages and utilizing the JFrog framework (Certainly, there are other options available, including open-source ones), acts as the backbone for our Unity projects. Unity interacts with this registry, streamlining the package management process and providing a centralized hub for our modular components.

Package Structure and Design

A key aspect of UMDP is the thoughtful structuring of packages. Each package comes with a package.json file, housing essential package details, dependencies, and configurations. Additionally, UMDP mandates the inclusion of at least one assembly definition file per package, promoting encapsulation and minimizing dependencies. This structural design not only ensures organized development but also aids in avoiding recursive dependency complications during project evolution. Another noteworthy point in UMDP is its inherent encouragement of using Assembly Definition files. This mandatory requirement brings about additional benefits. (which will be discussed in detail in a separate article dedicated to the advantages of utilizing Assembly Definition files)

Concurrent Development Management

UMDP excels in managing concurrent development efforts, allowing a multitude of developers to collaborate seamlessly on a single project. By emphasizing SOLID principles during the design phase, developers are guided to create modular, interdependent components that promote cohesion while minimizing coupling.

Version Control and Seamless Transitions

Version control is paramount in any collaborative project, and UMDP excels in this arena. The system provides a clear and concise overview of changes in each package version, enabling developers to transition between different versions effortlessly. Using older versions when necessary adds an extra layer of flexibility to the development process.

Automated Dependency Management

UMDP simplifies the often complex task of managing dependencies. Unity Package Manager automates adding or removing packages, ensuring that dependencies are correctly included. This automated process not only streamlines development but also reduces the likelihood of errors associated with manual dependency management.

Dependency Selection Based on Versioning

One of UMDP’s notable features is its ability to allow precise selection of dependencies based on versioning. Minor, major, and patch versions are managed automatically by Unity Package Manager, ensuring that the correct dependencies are included, fostering a robust and error-resistant development environment.

Codebase Security and Transparency

UMDP promotes a secure and transparent codebase by preventing accidental modifications to other packages during development. Changes to inter-package dependencies are managed transparently through Git and issue tracking systems, ensuring clarity and accountability in the development process.

Key Advantages

  • Efficient Team Collaboration
  • Modular SOLID Components
  • Clear Version Overview
  • Smooth Version Changes
  • Flexible Version Usage
  • Simplified Dependency Handling
  • Automated Package Control
  • Reduced Dependency Errors
  • Precise Version Selection
  • Promotes Encapsulation
  • Prevents Dependency Complications
  • Streamlined Project Hub
  • Clean Unity Project
  • Prevents Unintended Changes
  • Clear Dependency Tracking
  • Modular Project Adaptation
  • Maximized Code Extensibility


The Unity Modular Development Principle (UMDP) stands as a testament to our commitment to excellence in collaborative game development. By leveraging Unity Package Manager and adopting a modular approach, UMDP has not only revolutionized our development process but has also contributed to a more transparent, secure, and efficient codebase. As we continue to evolve our projects, UMDP remains at the forefront, guiding us toward a future where collaborative game development is synonymous with innovation, efficiency, and excellence.

I intend to explain the practical implementation of several packages in the second part of the article, demonstrating the correct usage of UMDP. Additionally, by introducing some methods and tools, we aim to achieve the maximum benefit from this system.

Thank you for taking the time to read. Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn



Ebrahim Karimi

Experienced software engineer passionate about game development and tech innovation. Let's shape the future through code! https://ebipenman.github.io/